Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Oh Mom, I’m having a hard moment. I’ve held so much inside, trying to be strong for all that’s on my plate, trying to stay focused. Tonight I had a good healthy moment to my self. I had to let so much pain and heartbreak out. I miss you so much, I just want to hug you, I want to hold you, I want a hug from you. I held my pillow so tightly imagining it was you. I imagined you holding me back so tightly. I’m so sorry for what we both had to endure. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to protect you. I’m so sorry I was all alone. I tried so hard to protect you. I thank God I got to be at your side those 7 days! I know your in Heaven, I now know Heaven is for real. I thank God for this, this brings me some comfort. I promise I will let it out more often, so it doesn’t build up. 

I pray so deeply that this blog stays up forever and nothing happens to it. After we’ve all passed, for your grandkids and theirs.

You were and are so deeply loved!! More then you ever knew on earth and that breaks my heart too. But I find comfort knowing you now finally know and that your watching over all of us and you get to be with us all at once and always๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜‡